Hello All!
We are having a great spring. Correction, we had a great spring! I don't know where the time goes? What I can tell you though, every month we see the babies grow. I guess that's a good gauge of time.
We had picture night at our last Pantry. Tom Brower Photography graciously came to take photos of the babies again this spring. The families will have some pictures to pick up next week!
There were two little girls that recently had birthdays, Lily turned six, Morgan turned 11! In lieu of birthday presents they asked for pet food for the SPCA and Size 4 diapers for ASH-PD. What a lovely gesture on their parts. We are very blessed to be the recipient of such kindness by people of all ages.
And the kindness continues. . .we still receive anonymous "gifts" dropped off at J & B's Country Store, members of our staff and the Church. We are so grateful for the many kindnesses we've been shown. Each month several of our babies age out of our program, each month they are replaced with fresh, new faces. We are thrilled to be a small part of their lives.
Thanks so much for helping us remain a viable "Small Hand". We couldn't do it without you!
Thanks for checking up on us, we appreciate all you do for the babies. Have a great day!
PS Thanks to you-Pantry will be open Thursday, June 20th from 5-7 PM.